Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Trivikram Changed With Money And Fame?

He was known as one of the most disciplined directors who was humble, simple and was rooted to the ground despite his brilliance and amazing talent. However, things seem to have changed quite a bit with the passage of time and the increase in his wealth and popularity.

There is news that Trivikram has begun to show his airs, picking up activities like booze and the change in his manner of addressing others is becoming distinct as per the industry reports. As it is, his liaison with the classy beauty Parvati Melton has been making some real hot rounds in the film circuit though the real definition of it is yet to be given.

It is about time that Trivikram turns back few pages and recalls where he came from and the simplicity and humility he carried. Perhaps that should set things right for him and make him more adorable and respected throughout. Just an awakening call on what is being talked about you Trivikram.